List of Aircraft Maintenance Schools in South America
Compare 3 aircraft maintenance schools in South America offering programs to become a certified A&P mechanic or maintenance engineer.
WINGS Aviation School
WINGS Aviation School is certified to teach training for pilots, flight attendants, dispatch and mechanics. We also teach Ground Schools to Airlines Companies and Aircraft Maintenance Training to mechanics. ...
Sao Paulo, Brazil
IETA - Instituto de Estudios Tecnicos Aeronauticos
INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS TECNICOS AERONAUTICOS IETA Ltda, centro deinstruccionaeronauticaaprobado para su funcionamiento por la Aeronautica Civil de Colombia y reconocido por la Secretaria de Educacion como Institucion Educativa para el ...
Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Corporacion Educativa Indoamericana
Somos la primera escuela de aviacion Colombiana, con mas de 24 anios de experiencia, reconocida como el mejor centro de entrenamiento aeronautico por la formacion integral y calidad de nuestros ...
Bogotá, Colombia
Latest Reviews
"I went to their campus last Thursday to do a discovery flight. It was an amazing experience. One of the staff, Jamal, toured me around the campus. It made me feel like I already belonged to the school ..." Kint Jezreel
"I recently joined the ATP Integrated program, and the lectures and ATPL ground school sessions have been outstanding. I'm excited to start flying with them soon! ..." Savas
"Can say, this is the best college to pass out. You get to learn and meet students from all over the world coming here for learnings. Student friendly atmosphere, good placement assistance as well. ..." Jigesh
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