VTOC ´Fokker´ B.V.
Aalsmeer, Netherlands
VTOC "Fokker" is the only aircraft maintenance school in the Netherlands with all EASA P147 education certifications, including helicopters and general aviation.
Fokker is a name etched into Dutch aviation history. VTOC “Fokker" has its origins in the Fokker Aircraft company school from Schiphol Airport Amsterdam.
The company school was founded in 1937 by Anthony Fokker himself. Since 1937 the Fokker company school has trained thousands of personnel. The highly qualified technicians have an enviable international reputation. With this at the basis, the now independent training school for maintenance technicians for the aviation world was further developed. Under new management this became the Vak Technisch Opleidings Centrum "Fokker" we know today. A large number of the lecturers originate from the former company school, complemented by specialists from the modern aircraft industry. The training was refined and adapted in line with changed European aviation law. In 2004 VTOC "Fokker" became the first Dutch training location to receive PART-147 accreditation from the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, now "ILT-Luchtvaart".
VTOC Technical training centre “Fokker"Â
Part-147 certified
VTOC “Fokker" is an EASA accredited trainings centre for aircraft maintenance mechanics and aircraft maintenance technicians. Our training is highly prized on an European scale and fully complies with the Part-66 aviation requirements. Besides the normal Cat. A and Cat. B training we also offer OEM and Engine shop training.
Fast-Track Part 66 training
Participation in our Fast- Track Part training is also among the options as preparation for the Part examination, during Fast-Track training all Part-66 modules from the Cat. A, B1.1, B2, OEM and Engine shop training are covered. The high pass percentage demonstrates the success of our approach. Previous knowledge or practical experience is required for participation in the Fast-Track training.
Customized training
We offer trainees customized training after mutual consultation. Participants are given the opportunity to complete missing modules and complete the full training. We offer specific solutions for each training requirement. We offer certified and European accredited training.
Training possibilities:
Complete fast-track training on location.
· Distance Learning
· Classroom based training
· Refresh
· Lesson material and examinations
· Certificate
The aviation industry required fast paced Part-66 training for both Military as well as Civil usage. The objective was to upgrade their experienced maintenance personnel to a Part-66 licensed mechanic or technician. Eventually this resulted in personnel with a Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance License (AML).
Benefits for aircraft carriers:
· Standardisation with EASA (Europe) according to the latest directives
· Standardisation in maintenance skills
· Reliability, Quality, Efficiency and costs standardisation
Benefits for aircraft personnel:
· Basic knowledge of aircraft maintenance is acquired
· Competent member of a technical team
· Employee development
Vocational training
VTOC “Fokker" is an EASA part-147 certified training organization for the:
- Part-66/Cat. A1 training - Aircraft Maintenance Mechanic
- Part-66/Cat. A3 training - Helicopter Maintenance Mechanic
- Part-66/Cat. B1.1 training - Aircraft Maintenance Technician
- Part-66/Cat. B1.3 training - Helicopter Maintenance Technician
- Part-66/Cat. B2 training - Avionics Technician
Aviation Training Facilities

van Cleeffkade 15
Aalsmeer 1431BA
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