Tubreaux Aviation
Shreveport, Louisiana
Tubreaux Aviation provides first class flight training from professional full time instructors. We have the ability to train in the customer´s aircraft or in one of our meticulously maintained 172´s which are also available for rental. For specialized instruction needs we have access to a variety of complex, high performance, and multiengine aircraft to meet your needs. With the recent addition of CSIP (Cirrus) approved instructors and a Redbird full motion simulator, Tubreaux training and technolgy is second to none. In addition to flight training, we also offer comprehensive maintenance, contract pilot services, aircraft management and brokerage. Tubreaux is located at KDTN on the northeast side.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Shreveport Downtown Airport
Shreveport, LA 71107
United States
+1 (318) 510-4330
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