Sinclair Community College
Dayton, Ohio
Sinclair offers one of the most comprehensive aviation technology programs in the state and in the nation. Our programs build essential practical knowledge for professional pilots, flight attendants, flight dispatchers and air traffic controllers, aircraft mechanics, as well those who would like to learn more specifics in the field of airway science.
The aviation technology department’s pilot programs utilize outstanding simulation hardware. We also offer training with satellite tool kit software from Analytical Graphics, Inc., which provides you with state-of-the-art aerospace simulations and modelling tools for professional development, as well as personal interest.
There is a wealth of job prospects for graduates of aviation technology programs. The demand for major airline pilots is steadily increasing and the demand for general aviation positions are at an all-time high. The use of interstate commerce has increased the demand for cargo pilots. And, a shift in business travel from the major airlines to executive-size aircraft has created a new increase in the number of pilot jobs available. These changes in airline passenger and cargo traffic, along with an expected wave of retirements, will provide many job opportunities for new pilots and for flight instructors at all levels of the aviation industry.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

444 West Third Street
Dayton, OH 45402
United States
+1 (800) 315-3000
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