Precision Helicopter Services Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio
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So you want to learn to fly? Precision Helicopter provides professional, personalized flight instruction at Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. Our instructors have over 29,000 hours logged flying, and over 45 years experience.
We fly the very safe and reliable Schweizer 300CBi helicopter.
Available Ratings:
- Private Pilot
- Instrument Rating
- Commercial Pilot
- Certified Flight Instructor - ( CFI )
- Certified Flight Instrument Instructor - ( CFII )Airline Transport Pilot - ( ATP )
- Fixed-Wing "Add-On" Ratings
Your Training is designed so that you will learn to be a safe pilot, and still have fun.
Aviation Training Facilities
Burke Lakefront Airport
Cleveland, OH 44114
United States
+1 (216) 566-7433
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