Lone Star Flight and Testing Center
Conroe, Texas
At Lone Star Flight and Testing Center we can help you prepare for the oral and practical test exam, as well as the written: General, Airframe and Powerplant because we have an experience A&P, IA instructor and we are a PSI/FAA Testing Center.
The success to our business is to remove you from life’s distractions, so you can focus on the needed material to pass the written test, oral and practical test with the examiner.
Our IA course begins every Monday starting at 9:00 am, except for weeks where Monday is a major holiday.
The 5 day course concludes on Friday with the written exam. If you need an extra day on Saturday, we can be here for you.
We will need a signed authorization form from the FAA, or a graduate certificate from an approved FAA Part 147 school to start our program and meet the requirements for the FAA airman knowledge test through PSI.
We are located 25 miles north of KIAH at Conroe North Houston airport KCXO.
Aviation Training Facilities

5052 Central Parkway #16
Conroe, TX 77303
United States
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