Jeff Air Pilot Services
Greenwood, Indiana
Jeff Air offers a complete line of training from 0 time to Airline Transport Pilot. The Evektor Light Sport and Cessna 150 serve as our most inexpensive primary training aircraft. Fleet also includes a Tail Wheel Cessna 150, Piper Warrior, Cessna 172, Piper Arrow, and Piper Seneca for multi-engine training.
The newest addition to the Jeff Air is an AATD configured to a Cessna 172/182 with G1000 instrumentation. We G1000 orientation training as well as instrument dual and Instrument Proficiency Checks.
Jeff Air´s group of instructors are highly skilled and trained with backgrounds in such areas as Corporate Travel, Wild Life Studies, and Airline Piloting.
Jeff Air is currently working with Ivy Tech of Columbus, Indiana, to establish an aviation training program. Check out the Ivy Tech curriculum in March of 2014.
Greenwood is in close proximity to Indianapolis and has an abundance of housing. Whether you live in the Indianapolis area or wish to enroll in an accelerated course, Jeff Air is here to help you.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Greenwood Municipal Airport
Greenwood, IN 46143
United States
+1 (317) 610-1081
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