Hoosier Aviation
Terre Haute, Indiana
Hoosier Aviation offers flight training for a variety of different pilot certificates and ratings. Whether you have always dreamed of learning how to fly and you are finally ready to take the leap, or if you are hoping to one day make a career of it, we have the perfect training program for you!
1976 Piper Warrior- N8492F (4 Seats)
$140 / hr
$30 / hr for instruction
$90 / 30 Minute Discovery/City Flight
- IFR Certified
- Engine: Lycoming 0-320-E3D 150HP
- Radios: Aspen EFD1000 EFIS, Garmin GMA340, Garmin 430W, Garmin SL30, Garmin GTX327, Dual Garmin NAV ind w/ Dual GS, Piper Autoflite II, Backup Attittude. Avionics master switch, 4pl Intercom, Stereo Jack
1978 Cessna 152- N525HF
$105 / hr
$30 / hr for instruction
$70 / 30 minute Discovery Flight
- IFR Certified
- Engine: Lycoming 0235 L2C
- Radios: KN62 DME, KN 53 Nav., KY 196 Com., KMA20 Audio Panel
1975 Bellanca 7ECA Citabria- N8724V
$105 / hr
$30 / hr for instruction
$70 / 30 minute Discovery Flight
- Engine Lycoming 0235-C1
- Radios: Narco AT 150 TSO Com., King KX 175B Nav., Garmin Pilot II GPS
1962 Beechcraft Baron A55- N1019D (New Interior and Upgraded Avionics)
$265 / hr
$30 / hr
- Engines: (2) Lycoming IO470L
- Radios: Aspen EFD1000 EFIS, Garmin 430W, Garmin 530, and much more
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Terre Haute International Airport
Terre Haute, IN 47803
United States
+1 (812) 877-7600
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