FSX Chicago
Oak Park, Illinois
FSX Chicago is very modern Flight School and Flight Center. Our Sim Center features Advanced Aviation Training Devices and Motion Simulators for General Aviation. FSX Chicago´s Certified Flight Instructors (CFII) are very experienced (thousands of hours of instruction). Ground school is one of the most modern FAA part 61 Aviation Schools in Chicago.
Through FSX Chicago you can get a Private Pilot, Commercial or ATP License. We also offer Instrument Rating Training. Aircraft Rental, Instrument Proficiency Checks and Flight Reviews. Other services include: Charter Flights (Jets), Aircraft Ferry Flights, Aircraft Leaseback and Investment.
FSX Chicago is a 24/7 training center open to private pilots, student pilots and general public. Our scheduling is done electronically, so you can book in advance one of our sims, just as you would do with a real aircraft as member of a club. We are currently offering VFR and IFR - FAA approved basic training devices and will open soon Advanced Training Devices and full motion TD´s.
Discover aviation through our ground school. Certified Instructors will take you on a journey from the beginning of aviation to the modern cockpits. FAA approved materials and modern classrooms will give you a solid foundation for recreational, private or commercial pilot. Our Aviation Ground School has full support of modern flight simulators.
After all that work, you are ready to take the exam and earn your wings. A private pilot certificate is a license to learn! Sport and Recreational, Private and Commercial Pilot Licenses, Instrument Rating and ATP training.
Chicago Flight Simulator is a pilot driven community where the most advanced tools are used for pilot safety, developing or maintaining flying skill, building confidence, adding knowledge.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

106 S Oak Park Ave, Suite 201-202
Oak Park, IL 60302
United States
+1 (708) 299-8246
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