Elite Helicopters
Chichester, Sussex, United Kingdom
We have a dedicated team here to help you realise your ambition of becoming a helicopter pilot. Whatever your reason for wanting to have helicopter lessons, we can tailor a Helicopter pilot training programme to suit your individual requirements and availability. All our professional flight instructors are also genuine high-time commercial pilots with a wealth of experience in helicopter operations, so you can be assured that at all times you will be in very safe hands!
Our Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) approved helicopter lessons and helicopter pilot training courses are conducted from our comfortable, modern flight school. Located within uncontrolled airspace, our facility at historic Goodwood Aerodrome in West Sussex has large designated training areas making it an ideal location for helicopter lessons.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Goodwood Aerodrome, Hanger 3
Chichester, Sussex PO18 0PH
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1243 530 165
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