Kyoto, Japan
E.L.I is located in Kyoto Japan. The staff at E.L.I have a lot of experiance with middle eastern airline like Emirates for 12 years. We perpare our student for the job as a cabin crew in the Gulf with cross culture courses as well as how to pass the final interview with the airlines. We foucs on the student English skill since it is the most important tools to pass the interview then cross culture to help them feel at home when they get the job and stay in the job for a long time.
As we are a recrueting agent for one of the best airline in the UAE we make sure that our services is the highest standered in the world.
As we are a recrueting agent for one of the best airline in the UAE we make sure that our services is the highest standered in the world.
Aviation Training Facilities

125-1 Kaigachu Nishikuju
Kyoto 601-8439
+81 0120-16-5108
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