Central Texas College
Killeen, Texas
Fourteen core courses in aviation leading to a commercial pilot certificate in a single engine land airplane along with traditional college classes can help you land the flying job that you desire.
Why Central Texas College?
- FAA 141, Approved Flight School
- Examining Authority Private Pilot
- Two Examiners on staff for Instrument, Commercial, CFI, CFII, Multi- Engine
- Instrument approaches into Killeen including VOR, NDB, and ILS
- Local Military Approach Control with Precision Approach Radar (PAR) capability
- Un-congested airspace allows easy access to practice area
- Cross-country flights to Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas airspace
- University Aviation Association (UAA) Member Tarleton State
University - Central Texas, an upper level university also located on the Central Texas College campus, offers a Bachelor of Science in Airway Science with a choice from two different options: Professional Pilot or Aviation Management. While earning your Bachelor degree, you can continue to get advanced flight ratings from CTC that will apply towards your upper level electives.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Skylark Field
Killeen, TX 76549
United States
+1 (254) 526-7161
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