Bauer Flight Instruction
Lake View, New York
Bauer Flight Instruction is committed to keeping the dream of flight training affordable. Our prices for aircraft and instructors are the most economical in western New York.
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a pilot? Ever wonder if you could really fly a plane yourself? Our professional staff of FAA certified flight instructors can show you how to become part of aselect number of people who cancall themselves pilots. We will show you right from the beginning just how great it is to be able to take control of an aircraft and feel the freedom that only flying can provide. We stress safety, while enjoying the thrill of flying.
Call for a Flight Review, refresher lessons or haven´t been flying for a long time and want to get back to the joys of flight.
We also offer Scenic Flights and Photo Flights over Western New York.
Little Bird Airways offers Scenic Flights over Western New York as well as Aerial Photography Flights throughout New York State and Northern Pennsylvania.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Hamburg Airport, Inc. (4G2)
Lake View, NY 14085
United States
+1 (716) 583 1903
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