ASG Training Center
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centro de Capacitacion Aeronautica para el Piloto, contamos con la mas alta tecnologia en simuladores de vuelo, desde monomotores, bimotores, hasta MD-82. Se realizan cursos de Ingles Aeronautico, ACCT, Vuelo por Instrumentos, Line Oriented Flight Training y mucho mas. Actualmente Austral Lineas Aereas esta capacitando a sus Pilotos en el aerea de Ingles Tecnico Aeronautico en ASG Training Center.
-- English Version --We have the latest technology in flight simulators, from single-engine, multi-engine, to MD-82. Aviation English courses, ACCT, Instrument Flight, Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)A and much more. Austral Lineas Aereas is currently training its pilots in aeronautical technical English ASG Training Center.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Comandante Piedrabuena 4375
Buenos Aires
+54 11 47564857
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