Aero-Tech, Inc.
Lexington, Kentucky
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All-inclusive, one-price, guaranteed programs. Sport thru Airline Transport Pilot. 120-day fast-track program. FAA Part 141. Cessna Pilot Center. Approved for veterans. Master and Gold Seal instructors. Multi-Engine. Full-motion simulator. Factory-new G-1000 airplanes. 39 years of happy graduates. Year round training. Financing available. Discounted student housing nearby.
Founded in 1971 by Charlie Monette, Aero-Tech is still family owned and operated. We continue to be a fun place to fly, an easy place to do business and an exciting place to work. Learn to fly and spend more time doing what’s important!
Aviation Training Facilities
Blue Grass Airport
Lexington, KY 40510
United States
+1 (859) 254-8906
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