Air-Hart Aviation
Kelowna, British Columbia
Air Hart Aviation is one of the most prestigious and comprehensive Flight Training schools in Canada. We offer seaplane ratings, 50 hour float course, PPL and CPL licenses and experience flying in the mountains . With extremely well priced flight training packages and more VFR days than any other location across the nation according to Nav Canada, you can look forward to becoming licensed in record time. As the only certified flying school offering floatplane training, any programs for commercial license or add on for commercial purposes are not taxed and you claim tuition for tax purposes. With over a hundred lakes to train on in Okanagan, Air-Hart Aviation gives you the real world experience you should look for when choosing to train on floats.
We have chosen the Cessna 172 Hawk XP and Cessna 180 for float training. Both aircraft have constant speed propellers and are powered by a Continental IO-360 KB and O-470-B engines respectively. Training on these types of aircraft will prepare the student for immediate transition to the Cessna 180 and Cessna 185 floatplanes utilized by many commercial operators.
Unlike other floatplane training operators we are a certified flying school with HRDC which means we can issue an official tuition tax receipt, called a TL11B.These costs savings generally translate into about 30% cash back when you do your taxes. That is considerable cost savings! CRA has cracked down on students trying to claim aviation training and you need a TL11B!
If you are looking to convert your international license with the intention of working as a floatplane pilot in Canada, Air-Hart Aviation is the right choice for you. Air-Hart Aviation is the only certified flying school in Canada that offers Foreign License Conversion on floats. This allows you to "kill two birds with one stone". We´ll help you convert your foreign license while building valuable floatplane hours. Depending on your foreign license, the requirements vary. When converting from a foreign license that requires a flight test, the focus on flight training will be getting you to flight test standards. How many hours that takes varies for each student, however we do recommend investing in 50 hours on floats if your goal is to work as a floatplane pilot.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

1326 Water Street
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 9P3
+1 (250) 762-9830
Air-Hart Aviation is rated 5.0 based on 2 reviews
Where to start! What a stellar experience. I drove 16 hours to come do my float plane training with these guys because of their reputation and their location. What is better than flying a float plane around the Okanagan valley?? I took their 15 hour “float proficiency” course and took away so many new skills and experiences. Not only were both of my instructors (Braden and Guillaume) super knowledgeable, they were also just easy to get along with and made the experience really fun. Pro Tip: Book your flights early in the day to leave lots of time for afternoon beers at all the great breweries in the area.
RATED TO FLY A FLOAT PLANE!! I recently attended Air-hart Aviation for my Commercial Pilot License. I was able to go from an uncurrent private pilot, to a seaplane rated, Canadian Commercial pilot in under 4 months. I learned fly in the mountains, and experience everything from a Class D control zone at Kelowna International, to choosing my own landing sites on remote lakes, rivers and coastal waters. I especially enjoyed gaining the experience of docking at busy commercial seaplane bases. The instructors were very knowledgeable, and supportive as I trained with them, I also felt very comfortable and safe learning to fly in their well maintained aircraft, and facilities. Continuing on in my aviation career, I have realized how much my float plane experience has made me stand out in the competitive hiring process for new pilots. I highly recommend this school if you are serious about pursuing a career in aviation, or looking to achieve your float rating.